Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Don’t let it go to voicemail

The end of August is a sad time for every Canberran, as the lights dim on Canberra Appreciation Month and life returns to normal, and we can go back to ignoring the National Museum, declaring the ugliness of Woden and Belconnen, and openly rubbish the Canberra Raiders.

As an end-of-MEBCAM treat for everyone, I have found an ode to the national capital entitled “Canberra’s Calling to You,” written by one Jack Lumsdaine in 1938. Yes, I’m serious, this is an actual anthem for Canberra that I didn’t write, hence the lack of references to the Hyperdome and Todd Carney.

So without any further Amaroo, I hereby declare Mister Evil Breakfast’s Canberra Appreciation Month CLOSED.

Take it away, Jack:

Canberra’s Calling to You

Rolling plains of the South land
Vast and wide and free
Windswept grass waving restless
Green as the mighty sea
Our great Commonwealth of Australia
Founded her new home
From God’s good earth
There came the birth of our capital our own

Like a jewel so rare
In a setting so fair
A city of white was born,
With its gardens of blooms
And its rare perfumes
That greet each sunny morn,
Australia’s creation
The heart of the nation
‘Neath azure skies of blue,
Wherever you are
Be it near or far,
Canberra’s calling to you

The 78m high Australia-American War Memorial not only looks a treat, it also keeps the magpies away


Goal thief said...

Whilst I'm a fan of poetry, I dislike the tautology "'Neath azure skies of blue".
Azure is blue.
I understand that "'Neath blue skies of blue" doesn't have the same ring to it, a relevant adjective would've made the section just as emotive, but also made sense grammatically.

Either way, I enjoyed my green sausages this month.

Mister Evil Breakfast said...

Mate you are preaching to the converted choir. I hate the word 'azure' and have written to the estate of Mr Lumsdaine requesting my money back.

I think "'Neath tricky dicky skies that are really sunny and shit but are still fucking freezing cold and I should have brought a warmer jacket, seriously it must be about minus two" would have been a much better substitute.

King Crack said...

Is it really the end of CAM already? Wow that went fast. It was truly a wild ride with education, entertainment and included a little something for everyone. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for next year.

Mister Evil Breakfast said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Cracky! I'm already getting started on next year's edition. It's going to be big. Like, Kambah big.

Congrats on your 100th, by the way; I was going to say something earlier, but forgot, or couldn't work out how to, or got choked up with emotion or something.

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